15 Must-Know Laundry Tips To Prevent Clothes Damage

Everyone remembers at least one treasured garment whose life came to an end too soon. But of the many ways clothing can be damaged, ruining something through laundry is perhaps the most tragic. You were just trying to clean it!

Mastering a better washing and drying routine only takes a few thoughtful tweaks and a couple of extra minutes on laundry day.

From the WaveMAX laundry experts, here are our top 15 laundry tips for preventing clothing damage.

15 Must-Know Laundry Tips To Prevent Clothes Damage

1. Decode those label symbols once and for all

Laundry labels are often treated like terms and conditions documents—no one actually reads them, right?

If you’re inclined to agree, you may want to start scanning those care labels more closely. They tell you exactly how to not destroy your clothing, and oftentimes, the instructions aren’t as complicated as you’d expect.

From choosing the right water temperature to proper dryer settings, here’s what each washing symbol means!

2. Wash (almost) everything less often

Do you have a habit of tossing everything you’ve worn into the laundry bin, even garments you’ve only worn for a couple of hours? You’re likely reducing your clothes’ life expectancy with each wash.

For example, although workout clothes need one wash per wear, expensive garments like jeans and sweaters should only be washed once every five wears. Do some research on your go-to pieces to figure out the right timing for your closet!

3. Prioritize pre-treating stains

PSA: Stains don’t have to damage an entire item forever. By acting quickly with good stain removal tactics, you can often save the whole garment.

Our blog on laundry stain removal covers the basics, but for more specific stains, check out our guides to removing:

4. Sort like your (closet’s) life depends on it!

Your mom wasn’t exaggerating when she told you to stop mixing your darks and your lights. In fact, proper laundry sorting goes beyond color! You should also sort your closet by heavy and delicate materials, different types of fabric, and soil levels. Here’s how.

5. Flip before you wash

If you only have time for one improvement, simply flip your jeans and graphic t-shirts inside out before washing them. Dark colors and printed features lift in the wash over time, so a quick flip hides the surface and slows down the rate of damage.

6. Close up every zip and button

Rogue zippers, hooks, and buttons can rip open other garments, so another quick tip is to fasten everything up. Whether it’s jeans, jackets, or a bra, find and seal anything that sticks out before you put it in the wash!

7. Invest in a delicates bags

Have you ever noticed how lace trim and other dainty features are the first to go? Anyone who wears feminine underwear knows the pain! Luckily, this solution is also pretty easy. Just put bras, underwear, tights, and similar pieces in a delicates bag, then toss that bag in your usual wash.

8. Don’t discount the impact of water temperature

It’s not just a suggestion, it’s science—warm and hot water have a different effect on clothes than tap and cold water. The wrong choice can cause breaking, shrinkage, and color leaking.

In general, warm water is for lights and whites, and cold water is for everything else. Always read the care label, and when in doubt, opt for cold!

9. Know your cycles

Washers and dryers have a lot of buttons, and most people don’t actually know how to use them. But knowing when to rinse and spin, permanent press, and tumble dry can keep your clothing looking brand new for longer! Here’s how to decipher every potential cycle setting.

10. Stop stuffing the drum

No matter what cycle you choose, try to avoid overfilling your machine. Adding too much clothing to a washer or dryer can prevent your clothing from getting clean and cause holes and tears.

If in doubt, load your washing machine to no more than 3/4 full. This blog has tips on knowing when you’re adding too much!

11. Never mix towels and clothes, especially in the dryer

Though it’s tempting to add a towel or two to a small load, save towels for separate cycles. They absorb water away from other garments in washers and cause damage from overheating in dryers.

12. Ditch the fabric softener

Fabric softener claims to enhance the feel of your clothing, but it’s actually leaving behind layers and layers of damaging residue. For the same effect with better clothing protection, simply use white vinegar instead!

13. Swap dryer sheets for dryer balls

Like fabric softeners, the sticky chemical residue on dryer sheets does more harm than good. Instead, turn to reusable DIY dryer balls—they’re easier on the planet and way gentler on your clothing.

14. Get into line drying

One of the biggest laundry risks is too much heat in the dryer. To avoid the shrinkage, fading, and damage from toasty dryers, consider making line drying a part of your routine. Though old-fashioned, this chore makes clothing smell better and protects the integrity of your garments.

15. Remember: dry cleaners exist for a reason!

Finally, a tip that actually removes the task of laundry completely from your plate: use your local dry cleaner.

Remember, dry cleaners don’t just help you remove stubborn stains—some pieces actually need to be dry cleaned. Typical dry cleaning items include:

  • Men’s dress shirts

  • Blouses, pants, skirts, sports coats, sweaters, and vests

  • Windbreakers

  • Down coats

  • Dresses

  • 3-piece suits/tuxedos

  • Down comforters

The best part? Dry cleaning isn’t as expensive as you’d expect. Here’s a breakdown of the costs for WaveMAX dry cleaning in Thornton.

Congratulations—you now have an expert laundry routine that prevents clothes damage!

For local dry cleaning and freshly cleaned top-of-line washers and dryers, search WaveMAX ‘laundromat near me’ or visit our website.