How to Remove Melted ChapStick Stains

Have you ever completed a load of laundry to find you've left your ChapStick in your pocket? Or maybe you’ve accidentally sat on your lip balm on a hot summer’s day? Look —we’ve all been there. And while you think these oil-based stains might mean the end is nigh for your favorite dress or go-to pair of jeans, there’s still time to save them.

Before you start frantically Googling ‘professional laundry service near me’, we’re going to share our top tips on how to remove melted ChapStick stains from your clothing.

Keep reading to get started!

How to Remove Melted ChapStick Stains

1. Remove Any Excess Product

When it comes to oil-based products like lip balms, ChapSticks or other similar ointments, removing the product as soon as possible is key.

As soon as you notice the melted mess, grab a spoon from your cutlery draw and start scraping away the excess using gentle motions. The blunt edge of a spoon provides the perfect scooping motion without causing any further damage, all while extracting as much product as possible from the fabric.

TOP TIP: If you’re out and about and don’t have a spoon handy, your credit card or even your WaveMAX FasCard will do the trick!

2. Pre-Treat the Stain

Next, pre-treatment is a must for ensuring the stain is targeted with a product strong enough to break down the oil in your ChapStick.

An enzyme-based stain remover will do the most effective job at cutting through an oily solution, but strong detergents like Persil or Tide will also work if you don’t have any to hand. Apply the pre-treatment directly to the stain, working it in with a soft-bristled brush. If your garment is particularly delicate, the soft tips of your fingers will avoid any fabric damage.

Wait at least 30 minutes before moving onto the next step!

TOP TIP: Make sure to test part of the fabric first with a very small amount of stain remover to ensure compatibility, as you don’t want to spoil your garment before the process is even complete!

3. Wash and Check the Stain

Once the stain remover has had a chance to work its magic, wash the stained garment on the hottest cycle possible. Check the care label to find out the maximum temperature your item can handle and be careful to pay close attention, as shrinking is a very real possibility when it comes to hot washing!

When the cycle is complete, take out the garment and check to see if the stain remains. If you can still see an oily mark, repeat the stain removal process BEFORE machine drying as this will make it much harder to get rid of later on.

4. Make Sure Your Machine or Dryer Is Clean

Once you’ve tackled the stain in your clothes, it’s really important to treat your machine or dryer with the same love and attention—especially if this is where the original incident occurred. Some lip balm may still remain inside the drum and could wreak havoc on your next load of laundry.

To clean the washing machine effectively:

  1. Use a liquid detergent, hot water and an old cloth to clean the drum’s circumference

  2. Run the machine on a hot cycle to ensure any residue has been completely removed

To clean the dryer effectively:

  1. Wet a couple of cloths and throw into the dryer, then let the machine run. This will ensure any solid residue has had time to melt into a softer form

  2. Dip a cloth in white distilled vinegar and wipe away any remaining residue

  3. Once complete, wipe the interior again with clean water

If you’re tired of making rookie errors when it comes to your laundry, why not leave it to the professionals? At WaveMAX, we’ve got an expert team on hand to help with all of your laundry needs, including dry cleaning, drop-off services and even collection or delivery.

Visit our website now to find out more about our extensive list of services!