Halloween Party Stain Removal Guide

Let’s face it—no matter how hard we try to avoid them—Halloween party stains will always be there to haunt us. But, what if we tell you that doing your yearly Halloween laundry doesn’t have to be all that scary?

As our early Halloween treat for you, we’ll be sharing our comprehensive party stain removal guide in today’s blog post. Read on to learn more!

Stain Removal Guide: Our Best Halloween Stain Removal Tips

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, we just wanted to remind you of one of the most important stain removal tips: The sooner you treat it, the better!

We know it may be tempting to procrastinate on getting those nasty stains out of your clothes, but the longer you wait, the tougher it will be to reverse the effects. Halloween costumes can be enjoyed again and again, so it’s important to give them the TLC they deserve before packing away for next year’s celebrations.

Let’s take a look at the most common stains you could expect this Halloween.

1.   Melted Chocolate, Caramel and Candy

You can’t have a Halloween celebration without trick-or-treating! But, what happens if you accidentally smear your clothes with delicious chocolate and candy?

We’re here to tell you that it is very possible to remove these stains. Check out these steps to learn more:

  1. Remove any of the hardened substances as much as possible.

  2. Soak the garment in laundry detergent for 10 minutes and wash with water afterward.

  3. Create a solution made of 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and one part dish soap and allow the garment to soak in it for around an hour.

  4. Repeat steps if needed.

2.   Makeup and Face Paint

If you’re looking to win the best costume award, then putting on an elaborate ensemble of makeup and face paint is definitely the way to go.

However, if you’ve tried this out before, you’ll definitely know that it’s almost impossible to not get it onto your clothes. Read our top tips below for how you can avoid any long-term damage:

  1. Apply rubbing alcohol on a not-so-obvious part of the garment to test it out.

  2. If you notice that there aren’t any changes, use a paper towel to apply rubbing alcohol onto the stain.

  3. Pre-treat with hydrogen peroxide and dish soap and wash off afterward.

3.   Fake blood

The last thing you want is to have fake blood on you after Halloween ends (just imagine your shocked neighbors!). Most fake blood formulas are water-based and easy to remove with a simple spin, while others are a little more persistent.

If you’re set on becoming a zombie or vampire this year, we encourage you to try out these tips when the inevitable aftermath arrives:

  1. Apply a generous amount of white vinegar to the stain.

  2. Soak the garment in water overnight and rinse thoroughly.

  3. If the stain still persists, wash it with biological detergent or a detergent containing enzymes.

4.   Pumpkin

We all grew up carving jack-o-lanterns every Halloween, and this tradition must definitely live on. They’re ideal for brightening up any entryway and make those spooky walks through the neighborhood a true fall delight.

To keep this fun experience from turning into your worst nightmare, here’s what you should do to help you deal with those pumpkin stains:

  1. Scrape off any solid pumpkin bits that are stuck onto the garment. You can use a butter knife, an old ID card, or any material that has a flat edge.

  2. Flush with plenty of water.

  3. Make a solution filled with dish soap or laundry detergent and warm water and dab into the stain.

  4. Rinse thoroughly with water.

Side Note: Pumpkin bits are one of the easiest stains to remove, so feel free to let out a sigh of relief! Just make sure you follow all the steps above and you’ll be good to go.

5.   Colorful Drinks

Who doesn’t love red wine and fruit punch? These colorful drinks are truly an essential part of every Halloween party.

But with colorful drinks, unfortunately, come unavoidable spills. If you can relate, here are our best tips for getting these obvious stains out.

For Red Wine:

  1. Use a paper towel to blot out as much excess liquid. Make sure you don’t do any rubbing or scrubbing motions.

  2. Mix a solution containing 3 parts hydrogen peroxide and 1 part dishwashing liquid.

  3. Test it out on a small area of the garment. If it doesn’t lead to any adverse effects, apply it to the stain and wait for 30 minutes.

  4. Wash the item with water.

For Fruit Punch:

  1. Blot out the stain using paper towels or a clean washcloth.

  2. Pour club soda over the stain.

  3. Mix cold water, ½ teaspoon laundry detergent, and 2 tablespoons ammonia.

  4. Allow the stain to soak for around 45 minutes.

  5. Rinse the stain with water.

6.   Candle Wax

What better way to set the Halloween mood than with candlelight? This is another Halloween staple that could create a mess, especially since we’re often too busy enjoying the party to notice.

Here’s how you can make your clothes wax-free:

  1. Scrape off any excess residue with a dull knife.

  2. Place two paper towels on top of the stain and melt the wax with an iron. Make sure that you only set it to low to medium heat.

  3. Once the wax has transferred to the paper, launder the cloth as usual.

Have a tough stain that you can’t fight at home? Or still feeling overwhelmed after reading this guide? Don’t panic! You may want to consider bringing your laundry to the experts for the best possible results. Many laundromats offer dry cleaning services for particularly stubborn stains too, so it’s definitely worth seeking a professional opinion.

All you need to do is make a quick Google search for the “best laundromat near me” and you’ll be all set.

And if you’re looking for a Denver laundromat, we have the perfect one for you. Check out WaveMAX Thornton for all your laundry needs! We promise it won’t disappoint.