How to Get Makeup Stains Off Clothes

It doesn’t matter if you’re a teen prepping for prom, a bride on her wedding day, or a granny getting ready for a date. Makeup stains can soil anyone’s outfit.

Before giving up on your favorite garment, here’s how to get makeup stains off clothes.

How to get makeup stains off clothes by product type

How to get foundation stains out of clothes

Liquid foundation can spread quite quickly, so the first step is to blot (not rub) excess liquid with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Next, follow these steps:

  1. Rinse the stained area with warm water.

  2. Pour a dash of laundry detergent onto the stain. If the foundation is oil-based, add a few drops of dish soap as well.

  3. Work the formula into the stain with a clean toothbrush.

  4. Let it soak for 20 minutes.

  5. Machine wash the garment at the warmest temperature you can, according to the care label.

If the stain persists, repeat step 5 again.

How to get mascara out of clothes

Mascara has a way of getting everywhere. If it winds up on your clothes, here’s what to do:

  1. If you have a makeup remover wipe on hand, use it to wipe away excess product gently. If you don’t have one handy, scrape it away with a spoon instead.

  2. Dab a few drops of dish soap onto the stain. Run it under warm water while rubbing the affected area.

  3. Once it’s gone, machine wash as normal.

If the dish soap doesn’t seem to work, use a stain remover and let it soak for 15 minutes before machine washing.

How to get eyeliner stains out of clothes

Eyeliner stains may look bad, but they may be the easiest makeup stain to remove. Simply cover the stain with a prewash stain remover, let it sit for about five minutes, and toss it in the wash.

Want to make your own DIY stain remover?

How to get lipstick stains out of clothes

Lipstick stains can be lifted with a common household ingredient! Here’s how:

  1. Instead of rubbing, scrape excess product away with a spoon or knife.

  2. Dab the stain with rubbing alcohol using a cotton ball.

  3. Immediately wash the garment by hand or in the machine.

That’s it!

When to consult a laundry professional

Even though you now know how to get makeup stains off clothes, there’s still a catch.

If your makeup-stained garment is made with a delicate or picky material that ordinarily requires dry cleaning, we don’t recommend DIY stain removal. Instead, contact a laundry professional like the WaveMAX dry cleaning team!

We’ll make the process as easy as possible with our pick-up and drop-off laundry service. Visit our website or search ‘WaveMAX laundromat near me’ to schedule yours.