What Happens When You Overload Your Washing Machine?

We’ve all been there: in a rush, you stuff your washing machine’s drum to the brim. You’ve heard vague warnings about overloading your machine before, but you think to yourself, what’s the worst that could happen?

Although an overstuffed load here and there may not cause noticeable damage, we’ve come bearing bad news. Overloading your washing machine does have serious risks—both for your home and your clothing.

Here’s what happens when you overload your washing machine and telltale signs you need to lessen your loads.

What happens when you overload your washing machine

Shorter washing machine lifespan

Washing machines may be powerful, but they’re only designed to handle a specific amount of weight. When excess clothing is added to the drum, it can:

  • Damage the bearings

  • Strain the motor

  • Overflow from valve damage

If you’ve had to repair your machine in the past, you know that maintenance isn’t cheap. To save on costly repairs, the solution is simple: don’t overload!

Want other tips on saving money on laundry?

Unclean clothing

When clothing is packed too tightly in a washing machine, the water can’t reach every surface of every garment. That means that bacteria-fighting detergent won’t be able to reach them, either.

The result? Germy, unclean clothing.

If you can’t get rid of a lingering smell, you may have a culprit.

Avoidable holes and tears

Another major risk of too little room in the drum is damage from zippers and buttons. When your garments are packed like sardines, those sharp edges have nowhere to go, so the odds are high that they’ll latch onto nearby clothes.

That’s why avoiding overloading is one of the best ways to make your clothing last longer!

Missing socks and underwear

Ever wondered how orphaned socks lost their partner? Believe it or not, the answer (likely) isn’t Neverland. When you overload your washing machine, small pieces can get stuffed down the drainage line.

Pro-Tip: Use a garment bag for socks and underwear, and you’ll never lose them to your washing machine again.

How to tell if you’re overloading your washing machine

It isn’t always to tell if you’re loading your washing machine correctly. Keep an eye out for these signs to gauge whether you’re overloading:

  • Clothing unable to turn-over during wash cycle

  • Dripping wet clothes at the end of a cycle

  • Soapy residue after washing

  • Banging noise or squeals during spinning

  • Needing frequent repairs

  • Dirty clothing, even after washing and drying

If your washing machine isn’t performing as well as it used to, the state-of-the-art machines at the WaveMAX Thornton laundromat are standing by to help. Or, to lessen the load, we also offer pick-up and drop-off wash and fold services! Search ‘WaveMAX laundry near me’ or visit our website to schedule a service.