The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist

From growing families to young couples to solo households, everyone benefits from a deep spring cleaning session. This annual tradition is so important, it’s hard to imagine life without it!

Just like laundry, cleaning is a skill you can develop. Whether you’re neat as a pin or lack in the domestic department, we’ll help you tackle this year’s deep clean with vigor.

Keep reading for the ultimate spring cleaning checklist!

The WaveMAX Spring Cleaning Checklist

Some people prefer to tackle spring cleaning room by room, while others like to go by cleaning category. No matter your style, here’s a basic spring cleaning checklist and a few ideas for bigger-picture refreshes.

Window Sills and Sliding Door Tracks

Your household battled the elements this winter, so consider starting your spring clean by tackling indoor-outdoor transition areas.

Beyond cleaning your windows on either side, remember to scrub those sills (tricky corners included) and the tracks on your sliding glass door. These areas are hubs for dirt and grime, so it may take a few rounds to get them gleaming.

Carpets and Doormats

Similarly, you’ll want to add doormats to your carpet spring cleaning checklist. We covered how to clean area rugs in last year’s spring cleaning blog, but here’s a quick refresher for most woven area rugs:

  1. Vacuum the rug once on top, then once flipped upside down

  2. If you have a backyard, take it outside and gently hose it

  3. Apply a carpet shampoo (based on the care label)

  4. Scrub the rug with a sturdy brush

  5. Rinse with the hose until the water runs clear

  6. Hang it up to dry

Doormats are easier! Vacuum them, shake them, and if the care label permits, wash them in your machine with baking soda instead of detergent. Always opt for air drying with mats, too.

If you’re dealing with stubborn stains, visit WaveMAX Laundry in Thornton to learn more about WaveMAX’s dry cleaning services.

Underneath Furniture and Appliances

If you cleaned around large furniture throughout the year, the time has come to move them for a deeper clean. This includes sofas, desks, dressers, appliances, cabinets, dining room sets, and consoles. If something’s too heavy to move alone, always get help instead of risking an injury!

Upholstered Furniture

Moving large furniture is also a great time to deep clean your upholstered items.

For removable cushion covers, you can often machine wash them, but always follow the care label instructions.

For couches and other items that don’t have removable covers, a DIY cleaning spray can get the job done!

Pro-Tip: if you don’t have enough room to wash your cushion covers in one go, save time by doing multiple loads simultaneously at a laundromat. Search ‘laundry near me’ to find your local!

Curtains and Drapes

When was the last time you deep-cleaned your curtains and drapes? If you can’t remember, now is the time to check it off your spring cleaning checklist.

As always, start by reading the care labels. If you’re cleared for machine washing, remove any rings, select a delicate cycle, and add a cup of vinegar to your detergent of choice. To maintain their shape, air dry instead of machine drying them.

Don’t forget to wash your shower curtains while you’re at it!

Deck and Patio

Already fantasizing about warm nights on your deck? As soon as the final spring snow melts, it’s time for a patio deep clean. In addition to hosing the ground and wiping surfaces, you’ll probably want to clean those outdoor cushions (even if they’ve been in storage).

Read our step-by-step guide on cleaning any type of outdoor cushions!

All Bedding

A spring cleaning checklist wouldn’t be complete with a bedding deep dive. Make sure your list includes all:

  • Mattresses (here’s how to deep clean them at home)

  • Mattress protectors and toppers

  • Bed skirts

  • Pillows (this blog covers DIY pillow cleaning)

  • Sheets, comforters, and any other linens (check out this guide to down comforters)

Hidden Surfaces

A spring cleaning checklist is all about the little things you likely forgot about throughout the year. What surfaces are hidden from day-to-day view in your home? Everyone’s list will be different, but consider:

  • Baseboards

  • Tops of high cabinets

  • Shelves

  • The microwave

  • Fan blades

  • Shutters

  • Inside of light fixtures

  • Inside the trash can

High Touch Objects

Additionally, mull over items that your family frequently touches, but never considers cleaning. Think door handles, cabinet handles, light switches, toys, and electronics like remotes! These should all be wiped down during your spring clean.

Spring Cleaning Checklist Bonus Points: Refresh Your Closet

When you go to unpack your warm-weather wardrobe, you can take your spring clean a step further by cleaning your entire closet. Wipe down each drawer, shelf, and rack, toss out any closet clutter, and remove enough items to vacuum the floors. Your future self will thank you!

Pro-Tip: As you organize your clothes, make a list of specialty items in need of future dry cleaning. Next time you visit the WaveMAX laundromat in Thornton, bring them along for professional service!

Spring Cleaning Checklist Bonus Points: Deep Clean the Laundry Room

Along similar lines, use this time to deep clean all laundry materials. Potential chores include:

Spring Cleaning Checklist Bonus Points: Cycle Garage Items

Everyone seems to have ‘clean the garage’ on their lingering to-do list. If you don’t have time to tackle this intimidating chore, just cycle out winter items for warm-weather ones. For example, swap all sleds and shovels for swim noodles and yard games.

With a spring cleaning checklist on your side, nothing can stop you from achieving your deepest clean yet! For stubborn stains, tricky materials, or extra hands to speed things up, stop by the WaveMAX laundromat in Thornton or search ‘dry cleaner near me.’ More information on our pick up and drop off services can be found at