How to Deep Clean a Mattress at Home

A solid spring clean can set the tone for the rest of the year. But, to achieve the best results possible, it’s essential to go beyond the usual list of chores. While scouring the home for areas you often forget about, you’ve probably come to wonder: how dirty is my mattress and how can I clean it?!

Believe it or not, the average person spends about 26 years of their life sleeping. That’s a lot of time in bed, so ensuring your mattress is grime-free is a must. Luckily, this is one of those DIY chores you complete with items you already have.

Let’s get started!

Here’s How to Deep Clean a Mattress at Home…

Strip the Bed and Prepare Your Supplies

The first step is to remove the sheets from your mattress and give them a deep clean of their own. Once your mattress is freshly scrubbed, you won’t want to top it with anything other than your best bedding!

Next up, it’s time to allow your stripped mattress to air out. Open up any bedroom windows, and let the fresh air deodorize the mattress for at least a couple of hours.

While your mattress is airing out, gather the following:

  • Gentle laundry detergent or dish soap (read this blog for DIY detergent recipes)

  • Baking soda

  • A sponge or cloth

  • One bucket of cold water, and one bucket of lukewarm water

TOP TIP: Struggling to stay on top of your bedding washes as part of your usual at-home laundry cycle? Why not consider outsourcing to professionals? Simply search ‘laundry near me’ and ask about bedding services. Don’t forget to add in your pillows too!

Grab the Vacuum and Tackle Stains

Next, use your usual vacuum to lift dust, dirt, and allergens from the surface of the mattress. Small circular motions are best for covering the entire surface area.

If your mattress is stain-free, skip to the next step.

If you notice blemishes, it’s time to grab the detergent or dish soap and mix it with water.

Sweat and urine stains require lukewarm water, but blood stains need cold water. When your concoction is ready, use the cloth or sponge to dab the stain until it lifts (no rubbing!). You might need to give each stain a few rounds of dabbing, so don’t give up after the first try.

For a more in-depth guide to removing mattress stains, click here.

Clean the Frame and Finish With Baking Soda

While your mattress is drying from stain removals, turn your attention toward the bed frame. A duster and damp cloth should do the trick for wooden frames, and the vacuum will be handy again for fabric ones. Don’t forget to use your disinfectant spray of choice.

Finally, when the mattress is dry, sprinkle a layer of baking soda over the entire mattress. Leave the layer for at least an hour, then vacuum off the remaining powder.

If your mattress is double-sided, repeat each of these steps on the other side.

On the hunt for more spring cleaning tips? Here’s what we recommend!

As usual, your WaveMAX laundromat team is here for any laundry assistance. Now is the perfect time to refresh those sheets and pillows, so head to our website to learn more about our professional cleaning services.