How to Save Money at the Laundromat

Fresh sheets and clean clothes shouldn’t be a luxury, right? While this may be a common belief, completing the weekly load can be a huge drain on our wallets—especially for those with large families or smaller budgets to work with.

If you’re looking for ways to tighten your belt, we’ve got you covered. In today’s blog, we’re going to share our top tips on how to save money at the laundromat.

Keep reading to find out how!

How to Save Money at the Laundromat

Wait Until You Have a Full Load

When you’ve got a stack of laundry building up in your basket, it can be tempting to head straight for the laundromat to get it out of the way. But do you actually have enough clothes, linens, or towels to fill the machine?

If you’re trying to live a more frugal lifestyle and want to apply money-saving principles to your laundry routine, it’s always best to wait until you’ve got a full load at the ready. By doing so, you can get the most out of every wash and save yourself time in the process.

Choose the Right Size Machine

If you’ve not quite got a full load at the ready, but you’re desperate to get your laundry ticked off your to-do list, there is another coin-crunching solution. Choosing the right size machine to match your bag of laundry is the best way to minimize waste and keep things affordable.

When you arrive at the laundromat, try to estimate which machine would work best for the amount of laundry you’ve brought with you. If you’re washing heavy towels or lots of linens, it’s probably best to opt for one of the bigger, more expensive machines. However, if you’ve only got a few delicates to clean, always choose a smaller, cooler wash to get the job done.

Avoid Over-Soaping Your Load

This tip is a zinger when it comes to saving money long-term. Lots of people assume that the more soap you add to your wash, the cleaner your clothes will be, but that simply isn’t true. In fact, over-soaping your laundry can actually cause a whole host of problems, including skin irritation, fabric damage, or visible residue. Adding too much soap also means spending more money on a second rinse—a cost that’s completely avoidable if you’re on a budget.

To make sure you’re using the right amount, make sure to read the instructions for your specific product. As a general rule, one lid’s worth of powder or liquid detergent is usually enough!

Get a Loyalty Card

While searching for a ‘laundromat near me’ might be a speedy solution to your laundry needs, it might not be the most cost-effective method. That’s because many professional laundromats offer a loyalty program designed to help save you money.

For example, at WaveMAX we use FasCard, a bonus scheme designed to make your laundry process cheaper and easier. Through a physical card or even the mobile app, you can get BIG discounts by topping up your card in advance, which is perfect for those who create a monthly budget to stick to! Click here to learn more about the benefits.

Bring Your Own Detergent or Fabric Softener

Unless you’re looking to use a specific product such as powerful Ozone, regularly using the product vending machines at your go-to laundromat can be pretty pricey. The solution? Bring your own products along and make some significant savings.

To make laundry supply shopping even more affordable, why not try:

Dry Your Clothes at Home

If you’re really pushed for cash, or you’re desperate to make your summer holiday happen, drying your clothes at home could be the answer. Energy is expensive, and running a dryer for too long to get your clothes feeling toasty can quickly drain your budget. While this is usually the only option during the winter months, the warmer weather presents an opportunity to save some cash.

Once you’re done washing, lay your clothes into your basket or bag and transport them home as soon as possible. If you’re able to, peg your laundry on an outdoor washing line and let nature work its magic—completely free of charge!

Stop Washing Clean Clothes

This tip may seem a little obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people wash their clothes before they really need a clean. For example, kids are the ultimate culprits when it comes to throwing their once-worn items into the basket after only a few hours of use. Aside from a couple of exceptions—underwear being one of them—most clothes can survive a few wears before actually needing to be washed. Garments like jeans or jumpers will also last a lot longer if you clean them less—saving you money in the long run.

If you’ve pulled your clothes out of storage for the summer season to find they’re smelling a little musty, try these tips before heading to the laundromat!

  • Air them out on a breezy day

  • Steam your clothes or hang them in the bathroom during a shower 

  • Create a scent-boosting spray using half white vinegar, half water, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil

Get Creative With Your Laundry Products

We’ve already mentioned making your own laundry detergent on this list, but what if you could save money making your own accessories too? If you’re serious about doing laundry on a budget, the best way to get organized is by making your very own cleaning caddy.

Grab a basket or container from the dollar store and fill it with everything you need for the laundromat. That way, you can store it in your car and always be prepared—even when laundry emergencies strike!

Why not try…

That concludes our top tips on how to save money at the laundromat! If you’re washing on a budget in the Denver metro area, why not pay a visit to WaveMAX Thornton? We’ve got a wide selection of affordable and professional laundry solutions for families big and small. Head to our website now for more information!