5 Closet Hacks for Laundry

Keeping your laundry organized can be pretty difficult, even if you’re lucky enough to have a home full of spacious storage spots. Whether you’ve already got a system in place to keep things tidy or you’re desperate for a space-saving solution, we’ve got you covered.

In today’s blog, we’re going to share 5 closet hacks for organizing your laundry so you can keep things neat while maximizing your home’s capacity.

5 Closet Hacks for Laundry Organization

1.   Use Drawer Inserts for Extra Clarity

Picture the scene: you’re in a rush to get out the door and you’re on the hunt for your go-to sweater, your favorite belt or even your luckiest pair of socks. You head to your drawers to obtain the item, but you’re faced with a sea of fabric that you just can’t make sense of.

The solution? Drawer inserts.

Perfect for any home or storage situation, drawer inserts are guaranteed to make your life ten times easier. Not only do they make putting your laundry away more straightforward, but they also give your closet or chests structure in the moments you need it most. Your local home store will have a whole host of options to choose from, designed to separate underwear, accessories and even larger items too.

2.   Color Coordinate Your Closet

Another great laundry organization hack is color coordinating, which is the perfect tactic for elevating both your storage capacity and your personal style. When you’re short on time, pairing the right pieces together can be a nightmare, especially if you have to spend hours digging through a rainbow of fabric.

To keep things in check, pull everything out of your closet and lay it out on the bed. Whether you’ve got hanging space or shelving units to work with, assign a section for dark colors, light colors and patterns—just like when separating your laundry for the wash.

Once that’s decided, collate each piece in their appropriate section so you always know where to find what you’re looking for!

3.   Label Drawers, Shelves and Storage Boxes

Label makers are truly God’s gift to the earth: a must-have staple for any home, the tool we’ve always needed, the device at the top of everyone’s Christmas wishlist…

Okay, so you might not be as enthusiastic about label making as we are, but it definitely comes in handy when you’re in need of more effective closet organization. There’s no worse feeling than trying and failing to find the outfit you’re searching for, and a label maker is the ultimate fix.

Get creative and start labeling each section of your closet, according to what it’s storing. Make sure to label storage boxes and bags too—you’ll thank yourself when the colder months arrive and you can pull out the winter warmers without even thinking about it.

4.   Declutter Every Season

The wise Marie Kondo once said you should “discard everything that does not spark joy”—a philosophy that anyone eager for better organization can get behind.

Sometimes our storage methods are to blame for over-stuffed drawers and piled-high laundry, but sometimes we simply have way more than we actually need. With each new season comes the perfect opportunity to declutter your closet, so why not start your autumn sort-out early?

Marie Kondo’s famous tips are as follows:

  • Imagine your ideal lifestyle and look—anything that doesn’t fit with that has to go

  • Pull everything out of your closet and ask yourself if each and every item sparks joy

  • Create a pile for donation, trash and keep—this will help you to see things clearly

  • Categorize your closet so you can see what you have and what you’re lacking

5.   Maximize Storage Space

Maximizing your storage space is an essential hack for anyone desperate for a more organized closet, so here are some little tips to upgrade your capacity…

  • Create two hanging levels to make the most of your space

  • Opt for a headboard or bed that offers added storage

  • Fill out the bottom of your closet with wicker or plastic drawers

  • Keep gym towels, sheets and bathroom essentials elsewhere

  • Buy vacuum bags to store away bulkier, seasonal items

  • Roll clothes instead of folding to fit more into smaller spaces

  • Invest in a shoe rack or closet to maximize your closet space

No matter who you are or what your home looks like, having an organized closet is possible. Why search for a ‘laundromat near me’ to give your items a refresh before reorganizing? If you’re in the Denver metro area, we’d love to see you at WaveMAX Thornton! Head to our website today to see our full list of professional laundry services.