5 Laundry Hacks That Actually Work

Whether it resembles a small pile or an ever-growing mountain, tackling your weekly laundry load isn’t always easy. Even as a team of experts, we’re always on the lookout for the best tips and tricks to make the process easier and more efficient, saving valuable time and money.

Are you always on the hunt for the latest TikTok laundry hack? Then this blog is exactly what you need. Let’s do some laundry magic with these top 5 laundry hacks you need to try.

5 Foolproof Laundry Room Hacks

1. Keep a Bottle of Vinegar in Your Laundry Room

We’re starting the list off with a hack that you can implement ASAP. All you need to do is grab a bottle of distilled white vinegar from your kitchen or pantry and keep it in the laundry room.

If that sounds strange to you, hear us out. Running a cycle with one cup of distilled white vinegar can actually help remove foul-smelling odors, keep your clothes looking bright, and help clean a smelly washer. Try it out!

And for more hacks to get the stink out of especially smelly workout clothes, check out this blog.

2. Lose Fewer Items in the Washing Machine With a Mesh Laundry Bag

Still feel like your washing machine is secretly eating up your socks and shoelaces? This hack may be the solution you’re looking for!

Instead of using your small laundry bags just to protect delicate fabrics, use them for easily lost items too. You never have to worry about wearing mismatched socks ever again.

3. Fight Greasy Stains with Chalk

Raise your hand if you’ve had a kitchen stain in the past week! I’m sure a lot of you can relate to this and we’re no exception.

Good thing we have good ol’ chalk to save the day. Chalk could actually be used to treat grease stains and oil splatter because of its highly absorbent nature.

So, the next time a nasty grease stain soils your clothes, we recommend you follow these steps:

  1. Use a paper towel or clean washcloth to remove any excess food and oil.

  2. Apply chalk on the stain immediately (make sure you use white blackboard chalk).

  3. Let it absorb for a few minutes and wash the garment as usual.

4. Use a Little Baby Shampoo Every Now and Then

Did you know you can actually unshrink your clothes? With the help of baby shampoo, you can now wear all your favorite sweaters and trousers in the same size you bought them.

Here’s how:

  1. Mix two tablespoons of baby shampoo and lukewarm water.

  2. Let your garment soak in the solution for around 20 minutes.

  3. Drain the water, lay it flat on a towel, and gently stretch the garment to get it back to its original size.

Pro Tip: You can also use baby shampoo to pretreat sweat stains!

5. Remove Tough Stains With Salt

Yes, you heard us right! Table salt isn’t just for food anymore. Thanks to its powerful properties, it can also help treat blood and rust stains when used properly.

Here’s how:

  1. Make a thick paste of salt and water.

  2. Apply it onto the stain and wait for around 15 minutes.

  3. Rinse the stain thoroughly and wash the garment as you normally would.

Need more stain removal tips? Check out this blog for more of our DIY remedies!

Often find yourself facing washing day disasters and frantically Googling for a “laundromat near me”? If you’re in the Denver area, head over to WaveMAX Thornton and let us handle all your laundry for you.