10 Laundry Tips: How to Dry Clothes in Winter Without a Dryer

Winter has finally arrived, and you’re probably already missing that fresh-off-the-line, clean laundry smell. But have no fear, we’ve got a series of laundry tips to dry your clothes thoroughly in winter without putting a dampener on your home.

Without further ado, it’s time to learn how to dry clothes in winter without a dryer!

How to Dry Clothes in Winter Without a Dryer

1.   Run an Extra Spin Cycle

If you’re looking for a more economical alternative to tumble drying, then an extra spin cycle might be the answer. On average, it takes less energy to spin water out of the load than it does to heat it up and dry it, so go ahead and extract some extra moisture at the end of a wash. And remember, the higher the RPM, the drier your clothes will be.

2.   Create a Ventilated Drying Space

When it comes to drying in winter, it’s all about airflow. Section off a designated drying space, be it a spare bedroom, office or separate part of the living room. Remember to allow for as much ventilation as possible by opening windows and doors (on a good day!) and space garments out well. You could even use a fan to create some additional airflow if you don’t mind a fresh breeze during the winter months!

3.   Space Laundry Apart

Give your laundry plenty of space, instead of bunching it all together. Your items will dry much quicker, smell fresher and wrinkle far less. Clothes made of quick-drying material like yoga pants or gym shirts can be placed closer together, while thicker garments need as much room to breathe as possible.

4.   Opt For a Drying Rack

If you’re washing larger items such as bed sheets or towels, a drying rack works wonders. Hang it from all four corners, and keep the room well aired—this will save you from creating a humid environment.

5.   Don’t Hang Clothes On the Radiator

Contrary to popular belief, not only is it a potential fire hazard, it’s also a breeding ground for condensation and mold. Instead of hanging clothes directly on the radiators, why not invest in a radiator drying rack instead? These space-saving devices are cheap, cheerful and great for speed-drying laundry on a cold day.

6.   Hang Clothes on Hangers

This is a particularly great hack for drying out coats after a long winter walk. If you need to wash bulky outerwear, place it on a hanger, space it out on a curtain rail and let the drying commence. To speed up the process, try hanging them in warmer spots with good ventilation, such as an entry hall or kitchen.

7.   Use a Dehumidifier

Banish mold and mildew for good by introducing a dehumidifier into your winter drying routine. Not only will it remove moisture from your clothes faster, it’ll also make your home into a healthier environment. Place the device nearby and watch the tank fill up while you enjoy a well-deserved hot cocoa!

8.   Wash Clothes Sparingly

With prices at a premium, we’re all trying to think of ways to cut down on energy bills. We’ve come up with a more primitive solution, and that’s simply to try and wash clothes less.

Besides sports gear, try to wash sweaters, trousers and shirts less frequently. If you’re unsure if it needs washing, the sniff test works a treat! Failing that, stock up on your laundry and head to the local coin laundromat instead—that way, you’ll be able to wash, dry and fold away all in one day. Check out our guide on getting the most for your money at the laundromat!

9.   Hang Outside, Where Possible

We’re not totally deprived of breezy, sunny days in the winter, so make the most of them when they come along. Don’t be afraid to hang out larger items such as bedsheets and comforters in the winter sun, they’ll certainly benefit from a bit of airtime.

10. Use Our Laundry Service

Remember, you always have us as your local laundromat if you’re behind on laundry duty. We’ve all been there! So head on down to WaveMAX, and we’ll take a load off your mind. Or, consider giving our pick-up and delivery service a try if you live in Thornton, Broomfield, Westminster, Northglenn, or Federal Heights.

We hope you’ve discovered one or two neat tricks that answer the ultimate question: how to dry clothes in winter without a dryer. Trust us, there are plenty of ways to make it way more convenient. The main takeaway? Ventilation is everything. If you don’t have any, get that air flowing by using a fan or dehumidifier!