Why You Shouldn’t Use Fabric Softener on Towels

There’s nothing more enjoyable than stepping out of a bubble bath and into a fresh towel, but fabric softener isn’t the best way to achieve that ultra-fluffy feeling. In fact, using this common laundry product can actually damage your towels in the long term.

In today’s blog, we’re going to explain why you shouldn’t use fabric softener on towels and the solutions you can opt for to get the fluffy effect you desire.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Laundry Softener on Towels

It Minimizes Softness

Believe it or not, fabric softener doesn’t fulfill its intended purpose when it comes to towels.

Composed of silicone oils, your go-to scented softener will latch onto the individual fibers that make up your towel’s surface. This means that instead of achieving the bouncy, fluffy texture you enjoy, they become weighed down and greasy instead.

It Reduces Towel Absorbency

As well as minimizing that heavenly soft feeling we all enjoy when it comes to our favorite towels, fabric softener also cuts down their functionality. Their fundamental purpose is to absorb moisture, but they can no longer get the job done thanks to the water-repellent oils that settle on their surface.

It Cuts Down Towel Lifespan

The filmy coating that occurs due to washing towels with fabric softener means you’re much more likely to throw them in the laundry bin after a single use. The more we subject fabrics to the harsh environment of a washing machine, the less time they’re going to last before we decide to replace them.

What Can I Use Instead of Fabric Softener?

If you shouldn’t use fabric softener on your towels, what’s the best alternative? Here are two ideal solutions that will work wonders on your washroom essentials:

Distilled White Vinegar

Used by millions of people as a natural solution to a whole host of household cleaning jobs, distilled white vinegar will get the job done. The key reason towels become hard or crunchy is an excess of detergent that fails to rinse off in the washing machine. Half a cup of white vinegar will work to break this down, cleaning the towels more deeply and restoring their fluffiness.


If you’re still not achieving the desired effects at home, there’s no need to panic. Google ‘laundromats near me’ and look out for one that uses Ozone. At WaveMAX Thornton, we make use of nature’s sanitizer, an active ingredient that kills bacteria and softens laundry in the process. Hospitals and clinics use it to achieve ultra-safe results, as well as businesses providing top services in commercial industries.

So, that’s everything you need to know about why you shouldn’t use fabric softener on towels, and the smart solutions you can turn to instead.

If you’re looking for professional laundry services to make your clothes, linens, and towels feel fresher and softer than ever before, why not visit WaveMAX today? We offer laundry drop-off and collection in the Denver area, as well as commercial laundry services and more!