Make-Up Towels

Why You Shouldn’t Use Fabric Softener on Towels

Why You Shouldn’t Use Fabric Softener on Towels

There’s nothing more enjoyable than stepping out of a bubble bath and into a fresh towel, but fabric softener isn’t the best way to achieve that ultra-fluffy feeling. In fact, using this common laundry product can actually damage your towels in the long term. In today’s blog, we’re going to explain why you shouldn’t use fabric softener on towels and the solutions you can opt for to get the fluffy effect you desire.

What Are the Best Towels for My Airbnb?

What Are the Best Towels for My Airbnb?

When it comes to guest essentials, few things are more important than towels. Ensuring a comfortable, cozy experience straight out of the shower will win you great word-of-mouth recommendations, and keep guests coming back time and again. So, which are the best towels for your Airbnb? Read on, and we’ll explore some of the best options available.