Why Do My Gym Clothes Smell So Bad? And How to Fix It

Dealing with gym clothes that stay smelly even after laundry? Don’t worry, it’s not your fault! And the amount you sweat or the quality of your washing machine aren’t to blame, either.

Instead, activewear gets its smelly reputation from the widespread use of synthetic and cotton fabrics. Although these materials are great for workouts, they also trap bacteria, making it difficult to achieve a deep clean.

Now that you know the answer to the age-old question, why do my gym clothes smell so bad, here’s how to fix it.

How to Make Gym Clothes Smell Better: a Step-by-Step Laundry Guide

What to do before washing

Removing lingering smells from activewear starts before the washing machine. When it’s time to clean your activewear, here’s where to begin:

  1. Fill a sink or bucket filled with one part distilled white vinegar and four parts cold water.

  2. Soak your gym clothes in the mixture for 15 minutes to one hour.

  3. After soaking, sort your activewear by lights and darks.

Now it’s time for the washing machine!

The right machine settings for gym clothes

Don’t worry; you can still use your usual washing machine and usual detergent to wash workout clothes. Just be sure to select cold water and a gentle cycle, and don’t wash them with towels or zippered items.

If you’re still worried about the smell, do a second rinse cycle with laundry sanitizer. Chlorine bleach isn’t safe for gym clothes, so phenolic disinfectants are a safer bet, like Lysol’s Laundry Sanitizer.

After the wash, air dry your workout clothes. Heat can damage the synthetic material, so dryers can damage them quickly.

Here’s how we recommend tackling line drying!

Extra tips for washing activewear

A pre-soak with vinegar and an extra rinse with sanitizer should do the trick, but if needed, consider these additional tips:

  • If you can’t do laundry right away, air out your gym clothes immediately after using them.

  • If you don’t have time for a pre-wash vinegar soak, add a cup of vinegar to your washing machine instead!

  • Don’t use fabric softener on workout clothes. Adding it to the wash can damage the elasticity of your activewear.

  • Try not to wear too much deodorant! It may be contributing to the stickiness of the smell.

  • Don’t add too much detergent to the wash. Sweat-wicking struggles to release the product, so it can harbor extra bacteria.

  • Congratulations—you’re one step closer to fresher, cleaner gym clothes!

For top-of-line washers and dryers and a spacious laundry room packed with amenities, search WaveMAX ‘laundromat near me’ or visit our website.

Don’t have enough time in the day for laundry? We can help with pick-up and drop-off wash-and-fold services throughout Thornton and the Denver metro area.