The Ultimate Guide to Hand-Washing Your Clothes

Life can get messy sometimes, and unfortunately for us, our laundry often takes the brunt of it. Spills and stains are challenging, even more so when they’re sinking into our most precious or precarious possessions.

If hand-washing is the only path to redemption for your favorite garments, there’s no need to panic. In this ultimate guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to hand-wash your clothing for effective results.

Keep reading to discover our trusted method.

How to Hand-Wash Your Clothes

Read the Label

First up on the list of must-do’s before washing your clothes by hand: READ THE LABEL. Care labels are sewed into the lining of your clothes for a reason, so make sure you take in all of the information you’ve been provided with.

Take note of the temperature recommendations, detergent instructions and drying advice before moving to the next step.

Choose the Right Laundry Detergent

Once you’ve fully understood the care advice for your particular garment, it’s time to choose your detergent. Liquid detergent will work best for hand-washing since it dissolves in both warm and cold temperatures.

If you’re cleaning something that’s particularly delicate, you may opt for a more specialized alternative. Your local superstore should have fine fabric detergent on sale, or if you’re on a tighter budget, a mild dish soap should also do the trick.


Treat Stains with Care

Stains are a pain but can be removed simply with the proper treatment. To avoid having to wash your favorite garments too vigorously, it’s recommended that you treat stains before beginning the washing process.

To extract stubborn stains, take a stain removal product or liquid detergent. Rub a small amount into the stain with your fingers using circular motions. Soak for a while before continuing with your extensive hand-wash.

Fill Your Sink with Water

Now it’s time to get started. Fill your sink with cold or lukewarm water, depending on the instructions provided by your care label. Add a regular dose of detergent and mix into the water until dissolved – then carefully submerge your garment.

Rinse and Squeeze

To make sure your garment is nice and clean, rub gently at stains and ensure it’s fully immersed in your cleaning solution. After a few minutes of washing, rinse out the garment by gently squeezing out the water and then repeat.

To rinse thoroughly, place the piece of clothing in a colander and rinse under a cold tap until all the suds have drained away. Be wary of wringing out the fabric, especially if your garment is delicate!

Time to Dry

The final step on your hand-washing journey is to dry your garment effectively. Squeeze out any excess moisture and then lay it out on a clean, dry towel. Place another dry towel on top and press gently across the whole surface area to speed up the process. After a few hours, you can remove the towels and voila! – you’ve completed your first hand-wash.

So, that’s everything you need to know about how to hand-wash your clothing. If you’re worried about tackling delicate items without damaging them, why not consult a professional laundry service instead?

Visit WaveMAX Laundry on Facebook and enjoy advice, expertise and a full range of cleaning services delivered by our laundry pros. Check out our website today to find out more!