Bacteria In Laundry

How to Clean a Washing Machine in 4 Easy Steps

How to Clean a Washing Machine in 4 Easy Steps

There’s nothing worse than laboring over a load of laundry, only to open the door and be greeted by that dreaded musky odor. Just like any other home appliance, these handy devices accumulate dirt, gunk and all sorts of residues that can cause harm to your go-to garments. In today’s blog, we’re going to share 4 easy steps to clean a washing machine.

Why You Should Keep Your Laundry Basket Clean

Why You Should Keep Your Laundry Basket Clean

When it comes to completing your laundry effectively, there are many factors to consider. Where and how you store your laundry will make a big difference. In this blog, we’re going to explain why you should keep your laundry basket clean.