How Often Should I Wash My Apron?

Aprons occupy a curious position when you’re thinking about doing laundry. Washing kitchen towels is an easy decision - you use them multiple times every day, and they get old fast. Dishcloths, too, are a regular part of laundry day. But, aprons are a little different.

Knowing how often to wash your apron can be difficult. Although they’re a part of your everyday life, you probably don’t use them every day. They’re specially designed to catch stains, grease, and general kitchen residues, but you don’t wear them like regular clothes, so they don’t get dirty in the same way. Plus, as long as they don’t smell, is a dirty apron really that big of a deal? They’re only going to get dirty again right away…

As pointless as it may seem, you probably should be washing your apron more often than you think. You don’t have to wash it after every use, of course, and reducing the amount you wash your aprons will extend their longevity. But, it’s still worth thinking of them as regular items of clothing and washing them accordingly.

How Often Should I Wash My Apron?

Washing an apron is essentially like washing any other item of clothing. Wash it too much, and you risk damaging it. Too little, and you’ll end up with unsightly stains, weird smells, and horrible, stiff, greasy blemishes. As a result, it’s always a good idea to wash your apron every second or third time you use it, depending on how messy a cook you are!

Of course, if you spill something huge on your apron, or cook something with a lot of splash-back, then you can (and should) put your apron in the wash afterward. Similarly, if you spill something that will cause a tough stain on your apron, then it’s worth dealing with it right away.

Due to their casual, functional nature, you can always get away with a slightly stained or dirty apron, but it’s still a good idea to wash it regularly. If you alternate aprons for specific kitchen tasks - having separate baking and cooking aprons, for example - you can leave each one for longer!

How Do I Wash My Apron?

Washing your apron is just like washing anything else. Unless it’s made from an unusual fabric, you can almost certainly put your apron in the washing machine. However, it’s still a good idea to check the laundry care instructions carefully before doing so. Nevertheless, there are a few best practices to keep in mind when washing your aprons.

  • Laundry bags - put your apron in a mesh bag, a pillowcase, or a special laundry bag before putting it in the machine. This will stop the strings from catching on things or getting stuck in the drum.

  • Spot cleaner - your apron will likely have plenty of grease spots and stains. Rubbing a spot cleaner or enzymatic detergent into the blemish before washing will help loosen the stains and make washing easier.

  • Fabric softeners - while fabric softeners might make an apron more comfortable, they can also harm an apron’s ability to wick moisture, dry quickly, or control odors. As such, they are best avoided.

Don’t forget, if you are struggling with stubborn apron stains or just don’t have the time for even more laundry, WaveMAX’s pick-up and drop-off service can take all the hassle out of laundry day!