How Do I Get Yellow Out of White Clothes? — WaveMAX Laundry


How Do I Get Yellow Out of White Clothes?

Yellow staining on white clothes can ruin everything from dress shirts to casual summer dresses. Whether you’re dealing with unsightly underarm stains or a faded yellow tinge from aging, such discoloration is ultra-noticeable and can drain a whole outfit of its shine.

Perhaps the worst thing about yellow stains is they won’t come out in a traditional laundry cycle. Luckily, however, there are a few simple methods for getting yellow stains out of your white clothes that you can try at home! Read on to find out what they are.

What causes yellow stains?

Yellow stains happen due to a combination of circumstances—some caused by attempts to stop things like sweat in the first place!

Perspiration leaves behind unpleasant residue made up of ammonia, salts, lactic acid, and urea. This in itself can stain clothes. It also mixes with deodorants and antiperspirants to leave worse blemishes as moisture is forced out of our bodies. Finally, as water from sweat is trapped between our bodies and the fabric of our clothes, bacteria can build up. Over time, this too will cause a yellowing effect across the entire garment. Gross, we know!

How to get rid of yellow stains?

Baking Soda and Water

Baking soda and water is a great way to remove yellow underarm stains. Mix four tablespoons of baking soda with water to make a paste, then scrub the stains with the mixture. Let the garment sit and soak for about an hour, then wash it in cold water. If your clothes are not back to their brightest white, repeat the process until the stain is removed.

Vinegar and Water

Vinegar is another great option for dealing with yellow blemishes with common ingredients you’ll have lying about the house. Create a solution with equal parts vinegar and water, spray it onto the stain or the entire garment, then leave it to soak in for about an hour. Wash in cold water, and as with the baking soda method, repeat the process if the stains have not been completely removed.


For smaller stained areas, toothpaste can be a great way to brighten up white clothes. Apply toothpaste directly to the blemish, rub it in with a brush, then wash the garment normally.


Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is another great, homemade way to brighten up white clothes that have faded or gone yellow. Soak your clothes in pure lemon juice, then leave them outside in direct sunlight for the whole day. Wash them in cold water to remove the juice, and you should find your whites are brighter than ever.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Water

If your store cupboard ingredients haven’t been powerful enough to shift those yellow stains, you may need to take a stronger approach. Tough stains can require a bleaching process, with store-bought hydrogen peroxide. Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water, and fill a bowl with the solution. Soak your stained garments in the bowl for about an hour, then wash them in cold water. If the stain has not been completely dealt with, repeat the process until your clothes are white again.

If you’ve tried all of the above and are still struggling with stubborn yellow stains, why not let WaveMAX help you out? Using our weekly or bi-weekly laundry service can help make your whites brighter and get rid of tough blemishes easily and quickly.