30-Minute Tidy: Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

Staying on top of your household chores can be quite the challenge, right? Despite feeling like an impossibility, squeezing in a quick clean can actually work wonders for our physical and mental wellbeing.

Whether you’ve got a large family in tow or you’re working every waking hour, a 30-minute tidy is the ultimate solution for everyone. Set a timer on your phone and get to work with our ultra-quick kitchen cleaning checklist.

Ready, set, clean!

30-Minute Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

1. Wash Dishes or Load the Dishwasher

First task on the kitchen cleaning checklist: tackle the ever-mounting pile of dishes. If you’ve got a dishwasher, rinse off the stack and load each shelf, being careful not to place your plates and cups too close to each other.

If you’re a wash-by-hand kind of person, here’s our top tips for a fast and effective clean:

  1. Fill the sink with hot water and plenty of washing up liquid

  2. Use a sponge or scourer to tackle the cleanest dishes first, leaving the tougher stains to soak in the soapy water

  3. After you’ve scrubbed each dish, be sure to rinse off any suds under the warm tap and leave to dry on the drainer

  4. By the time you’ve finished the 30-minute tidy, they should be dry enough to put away without any extra work

2. Wipe Down Surfaces

Once you’ve cleared all the pots, pans and plates away, it’s time to wipe down your surfaces. This is the stage that makes your kitchen feel super clean, and you’re bound to be left feeling relieved after just a few minutes of scrubbing.

Take an antibacterial disinfectant and spray it across all of your surfaces, adding extra to the areas that need more attention. Then take a cloth or scratch-free sponge to tackle the stains and dirt.

TOP TIP: Struggling to get stains out of your surfaces? Make a paste of baking soda and water, then apply to the stain. Leave to sit for 5 minutes and then rinse with a soft cloth. Baking soda is an abrasive solution, so don’t scrub too aggressively!

3. Sweep and Mop

When you’re rushing around looking for keys, lunch boxes or that file you swear you left on the kitchen table, there’s nothing worse than stepping in crumbs or spillages.

Enter stage 3: time to sweep and mop.

Once you’ve swept all of your kitchen’s debris into a pile and moved it into the bin, it’s time to mop. A classic mop, bucket and bleach will do the trick, but if you’re ready to commit to the speed-cleaning lifestyle, a spray mop is a must.

Not only does a spray mop leave your kitchen floor clean AND dry, but they’re super affordable and easy to store away. Simple use, throw the reusable head into the laundry and put away for your next cleaning session.

4. Load the Laundry

The last job on the kitchen cleaning checklist is our favorite: it’s time to tackle the laundry. After wiping, scrubbing, washing and mopping, you’re bound to have a pile of cloths, aprons or towels that need a good clean.

Pop them into your washing machine on a hot wash with your go-to laundry detergent, or take them with you when you head to your local Thornton laundromat.

Can’t find a reliable laundromat you can count on? Google ‘laundry near me’ or pay us a visit at WaveMAX. Our friendly team can’t wait to meet you!